Non-hotel tourist accommodation occupancy survey May 2024. Provisional data.

Tourist flat occupancy survey

The Tourist Apartment Occupancy Survey is an essential tool for understanding the supply and demand of this type of accommodation in Spain. This survey provides detailed information on the tourist flats registered in the Tourist Departments of each Autonomous Community.

On the demand side, the survey provides data on:

  • Travellers and overnight stays
  • Average stay
  • Distribution by country of residence of the travellers
  • Category of occupied establishments
  • Origin of Spanish travellers by Autonomous Community

On the supply side, information is provided on:

  • Estimated number of establishments open
  • Places available
  • Degree of occupancy
  • Employment in the sector

This valuable information is updated monthly, covering national, regional, provincial, tourist areas and tourist spots. In addition, the Tourist Apartment Price Index measures the monthly evolution of the prices applied by these establishments. This index offers data on a national level, broken down by type of rate and type of flat, allowing for an in-depth analysis of price trends in the sector.

More information; INE

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