Responsible tourism: industry and government highlight Spain’s new priority

Responsible tourism: industry and government highlight Spain's new priority
CONESTUR adopts a declaration to advance the triple bottom line of sustainability

The Plenary of the Spanish Tourism Council (CONESTUR) has unanimously approved on Wednesday a declaration of support for tourism that establishes as a priority to work for a responsible tourism, to advance in the triple sustainability (economic, social and environmental) and to prioritise the welfare of citizens, as reported by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism after the meeting, which was chaired by its head, Jordi Herrera.

The declaration, based on five points, recognises the value contributed by tourism to society as a whole, to the economy and to employment in the country. In the text, the signatories commit themselves to ‘maintaining a permanent dialogue’, working on a ‘shared strategic agenda’ and deepening the idea of ‘responsible and sustainable tourism’ in order to apply it in Spain.

The Minister of Industry and Tourism revealed after the CONESTUR plenary session that the development of the eight axes of the Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030 will aim to make Spain the world reference for sustainable tourism, putting people at the centre of the tourism ecosystem; and the main objective will be to consolidate the tourism industry as a driver of responsible economic development.

More information at here.

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